Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Be A Legendary Speaker for Today

This week we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. The reason I am talking about him today is because he is someone who changed our world. He encouraged us to be one world, one nation, one heart.

That's why I am giving you guys one last mission. Today is your chance to be the legendary speaker. I am gonna give you guys one of my favorite quotes and I want you guys to figure it out and find out what it means and report back to me.


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness only
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out Hate
only love can do that."

Why do You think Dr. King said this? What does it mean?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

You Too Can Write A Book


I'm back. It's been a long time since I have posted so i'm giving you a mission: I want you to write a book.

Read carefully:

#1 Write what you want to write about.
#2 If your mom is a person who wrote a book, have your mom check it so they can make corrections to your book. If your mom has not written a book then ask your mom if she knows any one who can get it publish.
#3 Try too get them in stores. You may have to charge a different price if you sell them than when you sell them in stores. This is because you have less cost when you sell them than when you go through a store.
#4 Be prepared to sell your book. This is the only way people will buy it.

What do you think? Do you have any thoughts for writing a book?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Goals Do You Have for The New Year?

Happy New Year! I'm so happy because it's a whole new year. My mom told me you set goals in the new year. This year I have 3 goals:

1. Do my book Babies About the House
2. Design some Tshirts
3. Be the best person I can.

What are your goals?